(Social/Support group meeting information is below)


The ANNUAL FEAT-NT  and Northwood Church EASTER Family Fun Day

will be a Skating Event this year due to construction at the church

SUNDAY, APRIL 6TH – 6:30-8:30pm


5817 Denton Highway – Ft Worth TX 76148 

Selfies with Easter Bunny – Face Painting – GFCF Treats – Crafts – Skating and Games – Wheel Chairs and Strollers Welcome

Please RSVP Bottom of Page






TEEN & YOUNG ADULT GROUP: Every 3rd Thursday from 6:30-8:00 (NOTE – December meeting is at a private family home on Wed the 18th not Thursday).  Please email featnorthtexas at gmail.com if you would like to attend). Monthly meetings resume in January on 3rd Thursdays.

The Teen & Young Adult Group is held at the FEAT-NT Center at 7286 Glenview Drive, Richland Hills, Texas 76180.  This group is a non-clinical social group that meets monthly. Teens and young adults (up to age 25 depending on social level) socialize in an autism family friendly environment. We ask that parents stay onsite and enjoy talking with other parents and share resources. We provide pizza. Please bring $5.00 cash or check for each teen, young adult, sibling, or adult family member eating. If you require special diet items, please feel free to bring your own food. We on occasion have outings to Main Event or a local arcades.  We encourage families to attend at least 3 meetings before evaluating the experience. Each time can bring larger or smaller attendance, different kids, different parents, and overall different connections made. Please RSVP Below.


TWEEN GROUP: 2nd Tuesdays from 7:00-8:15


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Begin forwarded message:

From: Steven and Rebecca Wilkins <steven_and_rebecca@sbcglobal.net>
Date: September 6, 2022 at 6:29:20 AM CDT
To: “laurie@featnt.org laurie@featnt.org” <laurie@featnt.org>
Subject: Tween Group Description – Update for website and rsvp</laurie@featnt.org></steven_and_rebecca@sbcglobal.net>

TWEEN GROUP: 2nd Tuesdays from 7:00-8:15

The Tween Group is held at the FEAT-NT Center at 7286 Glenview Drive, Richland Hills, Texas 76180. We are just now getting our tween group back up and running after COVID. For now, we are scheduling this group to be held in April, May, June, July, August, and September of 2022 on the 2nd Tuesdays of each calendar month. FEAT-NT’s “tween” social group is for children grades 3rd through 8th grade with high functioning autism/Asperger’s. This group focuses on social games. We will have snacks and pizza and there will be g/f options. Parents are required to stay and work with their child and/or group to help them engage and have a meaningful social experience. Non-ASD siblings are welcome as well – but we ask that they do not plan on participating in the events 100% of the time; please have a plan to keep them occupied that will not distract the Tween Activities. We ask for a suggested donation of $5 per person, or $10 per family eating to cover food and drinks and can be given upon arrival. We look forward to this new group starting back and will make changes as needed to format, times, and details. Parking is behind the center and you can come through the back door. We encourage families to attend at least 3 meetings before evaluating the experience. Each time can bring larger or smaller attendance, different kids, different parents, and overall different connections made. Come be a part of developing this group with new kids and parents! Please RSVP Below.



The FEAT-NT adult group comes together on date specific nights to discuss a variety of topics such as jobs, social lives, and personal interests. The group is a nonclinical model and facilitated by parents of individuals with autism. The group is intended mainly for individuals with Aspergers/ASD to meet others like them helping them feel less isolated. Those that attend usually benefit most if they are able to fully communicate as this group meets primarily to discuss aspects of having an ASD. Our group is rejoining after time off due to Covid and there will be opportunity to further define the format of the group and interests of those attending in regards to frequency and times of meetings. In the past, this group along with the Teen/Young Adult group held on third Thursdays, have social outings a few times a year to bowl or attend video games nights in the community. The group in the following months will likely have some time sharing in a sit together setting at the FEAT center and discuss life together mixed with time just socializing or playing board games. Please join our email list at www.featnt.org to get mass emails on when we are meeting. Currently, we are meeting on Second Mondays of each calendar month at 6:30pm at the FEAT building 7286 Glenview Drive, Richland Hills, TX 76180 and the next group will be Please RSVP Below.  Join our email list to get notices on our adult group dates.



The Parent Group (a non-clinical mentoring/get together group) will hopefully be up and running soon after closing due to COVID. Keep checking back and we will post something soon as soon as we can resume. If you are a parent of tween, teens, or adults please feel free to come and get resources and mentoring from other parents at one of the above groups with or without your child.  We also provide parent mentoring via phone to provide resources and directions. Please contact Laurie “at” featnt.org for mentoring. If you are interested in volunteering / facilitating and being a part of our groups resuming, please contact us via email at featnorthtexas “at” gmail.com. 



FEAT-NT welcomes all to attend support groups, workshops, conferences, family fun days, and community events.  We encourage you to attend any event you seem fir for your family,  All FEAT family events require a parent onsite when children or teens attend or when individuals require assistance.  Our support groups are not clinical in nature and are facilitated by seasoned FEAT parents or individuals with a desire to help the autism community.  Please refer to this page for updates and cancellations on FEAT events.



